One thought on “Moral Disgust and Sexual Offender Policy: A Podcast Round-up

  1. Blackhorn33 says:

    Psychologists would like us all to believe that what they do is all cut and dried, i.e. proven.
    Everything they have is the words of sex offenders who are locked up, and we all “know” this is honest-to-GOD truth….
    Psychiatrists would like us all to believe that what they do is all cut and dried, i.e. proven.
    These people must really believe these sub-humans. They would have us believe a Child Predator does this just one time, the real number is more like 120 times.
    Gender Dysphoria is a psychological condition, since there are only male and female, and people that act on fantasys.
    There is a war going on, and it is being waged against Our Children


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